College of Business and Economics

Online Reentry Applicants

There are two types of reentry students: reentry and transfer reentry. If you previously attended UW-Whitewater, left in good standing or on probation, and have not attended any other college or university since, you are a reentry student. If you previously attended UW-Whitewater and then subsequently attended another college or university, you would be considered a transfer reentry student. Application information for both can be found at University Admissions.

Many prospective transfer students wonder which of their previously earned credits will transfer. You can determine that by using one of the following tools:

  • Transferology. Use this tool if you have completed coursework anywhere in the United States.
  • Transfer Wisconsin. Use this tool if you have completed coursework at any UW System four-year or two-year school, or if you attended a Wisconsin technical college.

You can also request an unofficial transcript review. An unofficial review will give you an idea of which of your credits might transfer and how those transfer credits might apply to the online bachelor's program. To request a review, contact the Online Bachelor's Coordinator.