Academic Advising
Undergraduate Overview
The College of Business and Economics provides excellence in developmental academic advising and complementary programming focused on encouraging and assisting students to explore, define, and achieve academic goals that are consistent with their personal and professional interests. We deliver high quality, student-centered advising that supports whole student development, helps students progress through self-exploration and major declaration and persist to graduation, and supports students experiencing academic difficulty.
It is important to meet with your academic adviser regularly. The curriculum in the College of Business and Economics is designed so that students can complete a degree in four years; however, prerequisites are important and strictly enforced. Your adviser will ensure your degree plan follows the prescribed order.
In addition to degree planning, your academic adviser can help you find student organizations and groups on campus that are related to your major. These activities provide applied learning opportunities and help you build your network of contacts, which will advance your career opportunities.
Contact us by phone at 262-472-4900 or email us at
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Advising sessions and staff
Change your major
Course catalog
Four Year planning sheets
Minors and certificates