Institutional Research Assessment and Planning

Academic Assessment

Institutional Research, Assessment and Planning (IRAP) supports academic assessment work across campus by leading projects that support continuous improvement of student learning. Student learning is defined by the institution’s learning outcomes highlighting the knowledge and skills expected of our graduates. We ensure high quality and sustainability of our academic programming through cyclical program review, and by maintaining campus accreditation from the Higher Learning Commission. Our goal is to be a guiding partner in creating sustainable assessment frameworks across programs.

Learning Outcomes Button

Accreditation Button

Program Review at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater is intended to facilitate the continuous improvement of all academic programs. Programs complete a comprehensive self-study and reflect on their achievements, progress, areas for improvement, and goals for the future. The process provides an opportunity for programs to talk about trends, issues, and progress over time, and to discuss these areas with their Dean/s and the Provost.



The Academic Program Review process at UWW facilitates meaningful self-evaluation of the effectiveness and quality of academic programs. The key objectives of program review include:

  • Alignment with institutional mission and priorities.
  • Assessment of program effectiveness to determine the overall impact on student learning, success, and satisfaction within their programs of study.
  • Identifying needs and unique circumstances of specific programs.
  • Identifying strengths and weaknesses that may require further planning to better serve students and meet institutional goals.
  • Continuous Improvement to support program quality, relevance, and sustainability over time.

By engaging in regular program review, institutions can adapt to changing educational needs, maintain academic excellence, and meet the evolving demands of students and society.

The Universities of Wisconsin and Higher Learning Commission both require systematic and continuous review of academic programs. The links below can direct you to specific information regarding these requirements:

Regent Policy Document on Academic Program Review

Higher Learning Commission Criteria for Accreditation


Academic programs will be reviewed on a 7-year cycle. The review schedule can be found under “Review Schedule and Evaluations.” Programs under review will receive communication regarding upcoming due dates beginning a year and half before their review cycle. This communication will come directly to program chairs and coordinators from the office of Institutional Research, Assessment, and Planning. Specific resources to guide programs through the review process can be found under “Self-Study Resources.”


When a program is scheduled for Program Review, it prepares a self-study. Authors often begin by consulting the self-study and final report from the previous Program Review report.

In its self-study, the program covers the following areas:

  • program purpose and overview, including program mission, goals, and accomplishments
  • assessment of curriculum and student learning
  • student recruitment, enrollment, retention and graduation
  • resource availability and development

The program submits a self-study draft to the dean by May 1; it submits a final version to the Undergraduate or Graduate Program Review Committee by August 1.

Committee Draft Report

The Program Review Committee goes through a systematic process of evaluating a self-study.  Each member evaluates the self-study through a Qualtrics survey, and the committee meets to discuss survey output.  In a (draft) report on the self-study, which it submits to the dean and program coordinator or department chair, the committee recommends one of the following results:

____Continuation without qualification. Next self-study will be a shortened one focusing on the Recommended Actions from the current report.

____Continuation with minor concerns. Progress report may be required, at the discretion of the Program Review Committee.

____Continuation with major concerns in one or more of the four areas. Submit progress report(s) addressing the concerns as directed by the Program Review Committee. Progress reports must be submitted to the College Dean, Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, and the Program Review Committee.

____Insufficient information in the self-study to decide; revise and resubmit.

____Refer to Provost for Action.

This list of recommended results does not work as a grading scale. For example, “Continuation without qualification” is not equivalent to an A, and the requirement for a program to submit a progress report does not, in itself, suggest a below average program. However, the process does affirm a program receiving the result of "continuation without qualification" as exemplary.

Face-to-Face Meeting

The program coordinator/department chair, college dean, provost, and members of the Program Review Committee meet face-to-face to discuss the committee's draft report and determine recommended actions and results. The process is meant to be collaborative; during this meeting, parties may discuss discrepancies in how they understood or assessed the program.

Committee Final Report

In its final written report, the review committee summarizes the discussion at the face-to-face meeting, lists program strengths and weaknesses, and makes final determinations on recommended actions and a recommended result.

The Undergraduate Program Review Committee and Graduate Program Review Committee each use a Qualtrics survey to evaluate self-studies. The evaluation criteria is listed below for Undergraduate, Graduate and Accredited Program self-studies. If you have any questions please reach out to for additonal assistance.

The Program Review portal is where faculty will search for reports, submit reports, review status of reports, and can view past submissions. Please note, reports are initiatied by the Office of Academic Assessment. Program Coordinators and/or self-study authors will receive an email when the portal is ready for the program's submission.

Access to the Program Review Portal

The following are some resources authors commonly draw upon as they craft their self-studies:

  1. Guidance Documents: The documents linked here are copies of the self-study templates with additional instructions on what information to include for select items (see red text beneath items).

  2. Timelines: The documents linked here provide a month-by-month breakdown of tasks leading to the submission of a program’s self-study.

  3. UWW Mission, Vision, Values: Information here can support the section of the self-study document that asks about program “Alignment within the University.”

  4. UWW Strategic Plan: Information here can support the section of the self-study document that asks about program “Alignment within the University.”

  5. University Wide Survey Results:Contains results from a number of important surveys, including National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE), Faculty Survey of Student Engagement (FSSE), and Senior Outcomes Assessment Survey (SOAS). The Survey Results information can be used to support the description of “Program Goals and Accomplishments,” and “Assessment of Student Learning.” Additionally, there may be information reported that indicate students’ plans after graduation.   

  6. UWW Learning Outcomes: Information here can support the section of the self-study document that asks about program “Assessment of Student Learning.”

  7. Bureau of Labor Statistics: Information here can support the section of the self-study document that asks about program “Demand for Graduates” (under Trends section).

  8. Career Statistics: Information here can support the section of the self-study document that asks about program “Demand for Graduates” (under Trends section).

For additional assistance with completing a self-study, contact the Office of Institutional Research, Assessment, and Planning (, 262-472-5671).

The table below displays the 7- year cycle of self-studies along with any additional reports that are required. Find your undergraduate major or graduate program to view the dates of previous, upcoming, and future reports. Self-studies are due to the College Dean by May 1 st of the review year and to the Program Review Committee by August 1 st of the same year.

Click on "Final Eval" to view the most recent final evaluation for your program. You can find the "Recommended Actions," conclusions, and details about any additional reports that may be due at the end of this final evaluation report. This table is updated annually at the end of the review cycle. 

Key: SS = Self-Study          SS* = Short Self-Study          SS** = DQP Report Submitted in Lieu of Self-Study          PR = Progress Report

College Program Previous SS due to PR Committee Most Recent Evaluation Most Recently Received Next Due Future Reports
  Undergraduate Program          


Accounting (BBA)

Nov. 1, 2023

Final Eval

SS 2023

SS* 2030

SS 2037


Applied Arts and Science (BAAS)

New Fall 2020

1st SS 2028

SS 2035


Art & Art Education (BA, BFA, BSE)

Nov. 1, 2019

Final Eval

PR 2021

SS 2026

SS 2033


Associated Arts and Science (AAS)

New Fall 2020

1st SS 2027

SS 2034


Biology (BA, BS, BSE)

Nov. 1, 2020

Final Eval

SS 2020

SS 2025

SS 2032


Business Analytics (BBA)

New Fall 2020

1st SS 2028

SS 2035


Business Education (BSE)

Nov. 1, 2021

Final Eval

SS 2021

SS* 2026

SS 2033


Chemistry (BA, BS, BSE)

Nov. 1, 2021

Final Eval

PR 2023

SS 2026

SS 2033


Communication and Journalism (BA, BS)

Nov. 1, 2020

Final Eval

SS 2020

SS* 2026

SS 2033


Communication Sciences and Disorders (BA, BS, BSE)

Nov. 1, 2022

Final Eval

SS 2022

SS* 2030

SS 2038


Computer Science (BA, BS)

Nov. 1, 2022

Final Eval

SS 2022

SS 2029

SS 2036


Criminology (BA, BS)

Nov. 1, 2019

Final Eval 

SS 2019 

SS 2024

SS 2031


Cybersecurity (BS)

New Spr. 2022

1st SS 2029

SS 2036


Early Childhood (BA, BS, BSE)

Nov. 1, 2020

Final Eval

SS* 2020

SS 2025

SS 2030


Economics (BA, BBA, BS, BSE)

Nov. 1, 2020

Final Eval

SS 2020

SS* 2026

SS 2033


Elementary Education (BSE)

Nov. 1, 2022

Final Eval

SS 2022

SS* 2028

SS 2035


English (BA, BS, BSE)

Nov. 1, 2020

Final Eval

SS 2021

SS 2027

SS 2034


Entrepreneurship (BBA)

Nov. 1, 2019

Final Eval

PR 2022

SS 2024

SS 2031


Environmental Science (BA, BS)

Nov. 1, 2022

Final Eval

SS 2022

SS 2027

SS 2034


Film Studies (BA, BS)

Nov. 1, 2019

Final Eval

 SS 2019

SS 2024

SS 2031


Finance (BBA)

Nov. 1, 2020

Final Eval

SS* 2020

SS 2025

SS 2032


French, German, & Spanish (BA, BS, BSE)

Nov. 1, 2020

Final Eval

SS 2020

SS 2025

SS 2032


General Education Program

Nov. 1, 2021

Final Eval

SS 2021

SS 2026

SS 2033


General Business (BBA)

Nov. 1, 2021

Final Eval

SS 2021

SS 2027

SS 2034


Geography/Geology (BA, BS, BSE)

Nov. 1, 2020

Final Eval

SS* 2020

SS 2025

SS 2032


Health and Leadership Studies (BS)

New Fall 2024

1st SS 2030

SS 2037


History & Social Studies (BA, BS, BSE)

Nov. 1, 2019

Final Eval

PR 2022

SS 2024

SS 2031


Human Performance (BS)

Nov. 1, 2022

Final Eval

SS 2022

SS 2027

SS 2032


Human Resource Management (BBA)

Nov. 1, 2022

Final Eval

SS 2022

SS 2027

SS 2034


Information Technology (BBA)

Nov. 1, 2021

Final Eval

SS 2021

SS* 2028

SS 2035


Integrated Science Business (BBA, BS)

Nov. 1, 2020

Final Eval

SS 2020

SS 2025

SS 2032


International Business (BBA)

Nov. 1, 2022

Final Eval

SS 2022

PR 2025

SS 2027


International Studies (BA, BS)

Nov. 1, 2023

Final Eval

SS 2023

SS 2030

SS 2037


Japanese Studies (BA)

Nov. 1, 2021

Final Eval

SS 2021

SS 2025

SS 2032


Legal Studies (BA, BS)

New Fall 2021

1st SS 2028

SS 2035


Liberal Studies (BA, BS)

Nov. 1, 2020

Final Eval

SS 2020

SS* 2026

SS 2033


Management (BBA)

Nov. 1, 2023

Final Eval

SS 2023

PR 2026

SS 2030


Marketing (BBA)

Nov. 1, 2018

Final Eval

SS 2018

SS 2023

SS 2030


Mathematics (BA, BS, BSE)

Nov. 1, 2019

Final Eval

PR 2021

SS 2024

SS 2031


Media Arts and Game Development (BA, BS)

Nov. 1, 2021

Final Eval

SS 2021

SS 2029

SS 2036


Music (BA, BM)

Nov. 1, 2018

Final Eval

SS 2018

SS 2024

SS 2031


Occupational Safety (BS)

Nov. 1, 2018

Final Eval

SS 2018

SS 2023

SS 2028


Physical Education (BSE)

Nov. 1, 2022

Final Eval

SS 2022

SS 2029

SS 2036


Physics (BA, BS, BSE)

Nov. 1, 2022

Final Eval

SS 2017

SS* 2022

SS 2024


Political Science (BA,BS, BSE)

Nov. 1, 2021

Final Eval

SS 2021

SS 2027

SS 2034


Professional Writing and Publishing (BA, BS)

New Fall 2022

1st SS 2028

SS 2035


Psychology (BA, BS, BSE)

Nov. 1, 2022

Final Eval

SS 2022

SS 2028

SS 2035


Public Policy and Administration (BS)

Nov. 1, 2022

Final Eval

SS 2022

SS* 2029

SS 2036


Social Work (BA, BS)

Nov. 1, 2023

Final Eval

SS 2023

SS* 2031

SS 2039


Sociology (BA, BS, BSE)

Nov. 1, 2019

Final Eval

SS* 2019

SS 2024

SS 2031


Special Education (BSE)

Nov. 1, 2020

Final Eval

PR 2022

SS 2025

SS 2032


Supply Chain Management BBA

Nov. 1, 2022

Final Eval

SS* 2022

SS 2028

SS 2035


Theatre & Dance (BA, BFA, BSE)

Nov. 1, 2018

Final Eval

PR 2020

 SS 2023

SS 2029


Women's and Gender Studies (BA,BS)

Nov. 1, 2019

Final Eval

PR 2021

SS 2024

SS 2031

Graduate Program


Applied Biotechnology (MS)

New Fall 2020

1st SS 2027

SS 2034


Applied Kinesiology (MS)

New Fall 2022

1st SS 2031

SS 2038


Business Administation (DBA)

Nov. 1,2019

  Final Eval

SS 2019

SS* 2026

SS 2033


Business Administration (MBA)

Nov. 1, 2019

Final Eval

SS 2019

SS 2024

SS 2031


Business Education (MS)

Nov. 1, 2021

Final Eval

SS 2021

SS* 2028

SS 2035


Communication (MS)

Nov. 1, 2023

Final Eval

SS 2023

SS* 2030

SS 2037


Communication Sciences & Disorders (MS)

Nov. 1, 2022

Final Eval

SS 2022

SS* 2030

SS 2038


Computer Science (MS)

Nov. 1, 2022

Final Eval

SS 2022

SS 2027

SS 2034


Counseling (MS)

Nov. 1, 2019

Final Eval

SS 2019

SS 2024

SS 2031


Cybersecurity (MS)

New Spr. 2020

1st SS 2025

SS 2032


Data Analytics

New Fall 2020

1st SS 2025

SS 2032


Early Childhood & Education Policy (MSE)

New Fall 2022

1st SS 2028

SS 2035


Environmental Safety & Health (MS) 

Nov. 1, 2018

Final Eval

SS 2018

SS 2023

SS 2029


Finance (MS)

New Spr 2019


1st SS 2026

SS 2033


Higher Education Leadership (MSE)

New Fall 2020

1st SS 2026

SS 2033


Instructional Design and Learning Technology (MS)

New Fall 2020

1st SS 2028

SS 2035


Marketing (MS)

New Spr 2021

1st SS 2027

SS 2034


Reading Instruction & Dyslexia Intervention (MSE)

New Fall 2024

1st SS 2031

SS 2028


School Business Management (MSE)

Nov. 1, 2018

Final Eval

SS 2018

SS 2023

SS* 2030


School Psychology (EDs, MSE)

Nov. 1, 2022

Final Eval

SS 2022

SS* 2029

SS 2036


Social Work (MSW)

Nov. 1, 2023

Final Eval

SS 2023

SS* 2031

SS 2039


Special Education (MSE)

Nov. 1, 2020

Final Eval

SS 2020

PR 2023

SS 2025