College of Education & Professional Studies


Library Media

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Location: Winther Hall 6036

The UW-Whitewater library media program offers the 1902 licensure program for school library media specialists in Wisconsin. This license that is granted upon of the eight courses plus the practicum in UW Whitewater's approved program for those who already hold a teaching license or by completing the education coursework, field experience, library coursework and student teaching in UW Whitewater's initial 1902 program as of fall 2018 for those without another teaching license.

The former 1901 license will no longer be awarded as of fall 2018. Those currently holding this license have years from the time it was awarded to complete the 1902 requirements.  Students who began the program before fall 2017 fall under the prior licensure requirements. They should wait until completing all coursework before applying for the 1902 license. 

The 1902 license now can be obtained through

  • an undergraduate school library minor along with a major in another teaching area,
  • initial licensure for those with a bachelor's degree but no existing teaching license,
  • licensure only at either the graduate or undergraduate level for those with an existing teaching license, or
  • a Master's of Science in Education in Professional Studies.

Download the appropriate program requirements to track your progress on the program requirements.

Administrative licenses related to library and information technology but no longer awarded in Wisconsin:

  • 903 Instructional Technology Coordinator: This was an AV coordinator license.
  • 91 Instructional Library Media Supervisor: This was an administrator license that required some additional administration courses beyond the 902 Professional license.
  • 92 Instructional Technology Coordinator: This was an administrator license that required some additional administration courses, several additional technology courses, as well as many of the same courses as the 1902 professional license.   

To become a public librarian, your path will be influenced by the type of public library you want to work in. See the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction site on Wisconsin Public Library Director Certification for more information. The minor in library science prepares students for Grade 2 or 3 certification in Wisconsin. This is for library directors in communities up to 5,999 people. It requires a bachelor's degree and the following courses:

  • Adolescent Literature
  • Children's Literature
  • Finding and Using Information
  • Information Literacy
  • Digital Tools for Learning
  • Organizing Information
  • Library Administration
  • Public Library Administration Practicum

Download the Public library undergraduate minor program requirements to track your progress. To be a library administrator in a larger public library, Wisconsin requires a bachelor's degree and a master's degree from a library school program accredited by the American Library Association. For more information on certification in Wisconsin, see the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction's Wisconsin Public Library Director Certification page.

It is your responsibility to apply for the appropriate license through DPI. You will be submitting the capstone portfolio to UWW's library program. As of early 2014, you will use Educator Licensing Online to apply for a license. It will be important to do the portfolio and submit it immediately after your last class as the process is changing slightly. Your completed portfolio and graded coursework will be the checkpoint for approving your license. For those working on the 1902 initial license, the edTPA must also be passed to apply for a license. Send your portfolio link to Sarah Beth Nelson.

1901 (formerly 902 with Stipulations) 

As of fall 2018, all students should wait until all coursework, practicum/student teaching, and the capstone portfolio are completed before applying for licensure. This license will no longer be granted by DPI.  Those currently holding the license should complete all the pre-fall 2018 1902 requirements and then apply for the 1902 license.


  • Go to the Licensure page and complete the Educator Licensing Online (ELO) UWW Application Form. The deadlines for doing this are December 1 and May 1. Do this at the beginning of the semester when you start your final course and expect to finish the portfolio.
    • On the form, 
      • List all your degrees.
      • For UW-Whitewater, list the program as Library Media. Also put Library Media under minor equivalent. Ignore Major and Emphasis unless you are working on a MSEPD (emphasis: Information, Technology and Libraries) or on an undergraduate minor (minor: Library Media-K12).
      • Choose Early Childhood to Adolescence as the level.
      • List the licensure area as 1902. 
      • Complete your coursework and the portfolio.
      • Upon receipt of your portfolio, the UWW Library Media program coordinator (  checks that all coursework and portfolio were successfully completed, sending information to Certifying Officer. 
      • Once you have successfully completed all this and are eligible for the license, you will get an email from the Certifying Officer telling you to apply for the license through Educator Licensing Online for this license.

UW Whitewater Library Media Competencies

These are the library competencies that must be demonstrated to earn the 1902 license in Wisconsin. The numbers in parentheses indicate the DPI library media specialist content guidelines covered by item.  They are organized in five categories.  Those working on public library certification also must meet the competencies in community outreach.  Down the PDF of the competencies for a quick overview.

For a history of the competencies and a tie to state and national standards, scroll to the end of this page.


  • Finding and Using Information  / Virtual Libraries
  • Organizing Information
  • Library Administration
  • Children's Literature
  • Young Adult Literature 
  • Practicum / Student Teaching

The student demonstrates the to build and maintain organized resource collections that include both internal and external access points to support the educational goals of the school or community and the personal, developmental, and curricular needs of students and teachers (or library patrons) as shown by:

  1. Responding to needs: Responding to the spontaneous and curricular and information needs of students, faculty, and other library patrons; using listening and open questioning and other techniques to conduct the reference interview in a manner that encourages further inquiry; Maintaining confidentiality and ensuring information security as one of the legal rights of users
  2. Evaluating and selecting to meet needs: Engaging in needs analysis; involving teachers, administrators, students, and/or library patrons; evaluating and selecting appropriate information resources in all formats; following acquisition procedures; and discarding materials that are no longer useful to create a developmentally appropriate physical and virtual collection that
    1. takes into account individual learners' strengths, interests, learning styles and needs
    2. supports the curriculum and instructional strategies employed (school library) or needs of the community (public library0
    3. reflects the cultural diversity and pluralistic nature of American society and a diversity of perspectives (1c, 1d, 2c, 2d, 3e, 4h, 7f, 7l, 7k, 9a, 9b)
  3. Virtual Library: Monitoring, assessing and employing existing and emerging technologies for information access, organization and dissemination to the user; evaluating strategies supporting accessibility to all types of resources and equipment by creating a virtual library and identifying, evaluating, establishing, and using systems to retrieve information in all formats and for all ability levels. (7j)
  4. Budget: Planning, developing, justifying and implementing a budget. (7l)
  5. Organizing:  Organizing, classifying, and cataloging the collection to provide equitable access to library resources sing standardized protocols and procedures.  (7j, 3e)
  6. Circulation / Catalog Systems: Using systems and processes to provide access to and circulate materials and equipment, maintaining user confidentiality and ensures information security
  7. Policies - Privacy and Equity: Implementing and evaluating circulation, ILL, privacy, access, and responsible use / Internet safety policies and procedures and supporting equitable and flexible access to information, resources, devices, programming and services both within and beyond the school or library. (3f, 4n, 7f, 10d)
  8. Policies Selection:   Collaboratively develop and communicate policies and procedures, including selection policies, consistent with principles of best professional practice and align to the mission and goals of the school and district and in compliance with state and federal law. ( 9c)
  9. Intellectual Freedom:  Understanding the principles and supporting the practice of intellectual freedom, free inquiry and access to information, intellectual property rights, privacy and security; establishing and following selection, copyright and Internet use policies and procedures. (4m, 9d)


School library portfolios onlyFrom

    • Information Literacy / Design of Curriculum for Inquiry
    • Practicum or student teaching

The student demonstrates the ability to serve as a learning facilitator and a leader in the development of effective strategies for teaching and learning as shown by:

  1. Problem Solving:  Develop and implement authentic learning experiences leveraging a variety of resources and tools that foster innovation and real-world problem solving in local and global contexts. (4d, 5a, 5d, 5k, 7e, 8e)
  2. Instructional Design: Modeling incorporation of and collaborating with other educators on design, selection and implementation of research-based best practices inquiry and technology-enhanced learning experiences across the curriculum both face-to-face and online. (6c, 7b, 7g, 7h, 7m)
  3. Critical Thinking: Modeling the application of critical thinking skills (analysis, synthesis, evaluation, organization) to information and knowledge in order to construct new understandings, draw conclusions, and create new knowledge and encouraging instructional strategies that enhance higher level thinking skills for students. (7b, 7h,8a) 
  4. Inquiry Process: Modeling an inquiry-based research process for solving problems:  (4a, 4b, 4c, 4d, 4f, 4i, 4g, 4h, 4i, 5a, 5b 5g, 5i, 5k, 8h)
    • Identifying information need / problems and developing a range of questions o   Employing variety of strategies and tools for finding and critically evaluating information from diverse sources,
    • Demonstrating strategies to select and organize knowledge to solve a problem or satisfy an information need and plan, manage and design projects and products o   Communicating effectively with diverse audiences in various formats, and
    • Evaluating the product and process.
  5. Integration of digital literacy skills:  Collaborating with teachers to develop a coordinated K-12 approach to information and technology literacy and integrating state and/or national digital literacy standards with content learning standards into teaching and learning activities. (5h,7g, 7a)
  6. Teaching:  Teaching information and technology literacy skills to students and teachers:
    • Responsive to diverse learning styles, cultural influences, abilities, and learner cognitive development (1a, 2b)
    • Applying knowledge of learning theory, human development, student cultures, instructional strategies, curriculum, and assessment. (6c)
    • Using a variety of instructional strategies, tools and resources to engage students in inquiry and empower them to achieve their learning goals (1b, 8b 8c, 10f)
    • Employing a variety of assessment methods to design, develop and modify learning experiences (6a, 6b)
  7. Digital Citizenship: Modeling and teaching responsible, safe, legal and ethical use of information, technology, and resources and complying with intellectual property rights, laws and guidelines. (4k, 4m, 9d)
  8. Staff Development: Planning and implementing staff development activities including personalized, professional learning in the skills needed in a digital age (10h)
  9. Coaching: Using effective coaching techniques to help colleagues improve teaching and learning (8i, 9h).
  10. Supporting Student Interests: Creating a flexible, engaging and respectful learning environment where curiosity and independent and collaborative learning is valued, promoted, and encouraged. (3a, 3d, 3h, 5j)  



  • Digital Tools ·
  • Practicum or student teaching  

The student demonstrates the ability to use technology effectively with students and faculty to facilitate teaching and learning and access to information as shown by:

  1. Tool use:  Demonstrating use of software and hardware to access, organize, create, and communicate information in multiple formats for a specific audience and demonstrating principles of message and screen design. (4l, 8h)
  2. Problem Solving: Identifying issues and problems in technology and related areas, and beginning to develop strategies for solving these problems individually and in a group.
  3. Technology Integration:   Facilitate use of current and emerging technologies to support student learning and innovation and serve as a catalyst for integration of digital literacy skills across the curriculum. (5f, 5h, 10f)
  4. Instructional Design:  Applying basic principles of instructional design to produce resources for specified learning objectives or library needs, modeling research-based best practices (7m)


  • Children's Literature
  • Young Adult Literature
  • Practicum or student teaching

The student demonstrates a knowledge of children's and young adult literature and related media (and adult literature for public libraries) and how to promote reading:

  1. Reading Guidance
  2. Selection: Using evaluation criteria and selection aids to identify books that meet the needs of library users (3e, 4h, 7k). c. 
  3. Programming: Working with teachers, parents, students, and library patrons to develop a school-wide culture to foster curiosity, critical literacy skills and engagement with and love of reading (3h, 5j) d.    
  4. Reading for Meaning: Planning and providing opportunities for students to read, view, and listen for information in a variety of formats in order to make inferences and derive meaning of an issue, field or problem. (7c)
  5. Reader Response: Plan opportunities for students to creatively respond to literature in various formats and genres. (7d) f 
  6. Knowledge of Literature: Demonstrating familiarity with the different genres of children's, and YA literature in multiple formats and how each might be integrated into the school curriculum. (4o) a.
  7. Public library . - Also demonstrate knowledge of adult literature


  • Library Administration
  • Librarians as Leaders
  • Practicum or student teaching  

The student demonstrates the ability to develop, manage, and evaluate library programs to meet educational goals (school) and community needs (public) as shown by:     

  1. School Culture: Understanding the culture of the school and the community and application of change theory
    • School library: Initiating relationships with administrators, teachers, staff, and students to develop resources, services, and programs to meet learning and teaching needs.
    • Public library: Initiating relationships with staff, administrators, and the community to develop resources, services, and programs to meet community information, resource, and service needs.
  2. Mission: Communicating the mission, goals, objectives, and functions of the library program, materials and resources to stakeholders;
  3. Committees:  Recognizing the need to be a contributing member of key committees including district and building planning teams (10a)
  4. Advocacy: Articulate the role of the library media and technology program in advancing student academic achievement and asset development. (9f)>
  5. Partnerships: Cultivate community partnerships and explore connections for resource-sharing, networking, and sharing access to information to promote engagement and lifelong learning process. (10g, 10j)
  6. Planning:  Engaging in short-term and long-range planning; planning, aligning, development and implementing the district library (and technology) plan; monitoring, assessing, and using existing and emerging technologies for media center management and support student learning. (7l, 10b, 10e, 10f)
  7. Legislation:  Demonstrating awareness of legislated requirements, resources, and restrictions that affect library programs, e.g., accounting codes, state funding, and Internet filtering;
  8. Facility / Environment: Designing a facility and virtual library that creates an environment conducive to learning, inquiry, information seeking, literature and equal access that anticipates curricular functions, user needs, and technological and resource requirements; creating a welcoming environment that is conducive to self-initiated and formal learning.  (3a, 3b, 3d)
  9. Staffing: Planning for recruitment, hiring, training, evaluation and providing leadership for volunteer, paraprofessional and student staff. (7l)
  10. Program Evaluation: Locating and using assessment tools to evaluate aspects of the library program; applying appropriate research findings to improve teaching and learning and the school library program and service to the community in a public library program. (7l,5c, 6d, 10e)


  • Library Administration
  • Leadership
  • Digital Tools
  • Practicum or student teaching
  1. Engages in continuous self-evaluation and self-directed learning for personal and professional growth. (9e)
  2. Participates as a member of a social and intellectual network of learners to share library, technology and education best practices. (9g)

Community Outreach

Public library portfolios onlyFrom

  • Library Administration

The student demonstrates the ability to serve develop, implement and evaluation programs and services for the library's users as shown by:

  1. Understanding the needs of the library's current and underserved user groups and how to assess these needs.
  2. Planning, implementing, and evaluating activities to serve different user groups.
  3. Participating in public relations and/or marketing activities such as development of displays, brochures, newspaper articles, announcements and special activities    

The 1902 licensure as a library media specialist in Wisconsin requires that an applicant holds or is eligible to hold a teaching license in an area other than school library media service and completes an approved program of study to receive institutional endorsement OR competes an initial 1902 licensure program in an approved program of student. As part of the initial teaching license, the applicant has met the competencies outlined in the Wisconsin Teacher Standards and the core values of communications skills, human relations and professional dispositions, content knowledge in their teaching area, pedagogical knowledge, and teaching practice (PI34).

The library media preparation program at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater builds on these standards but focuses mainly on the content competencies defined by Wisconsin DPI for library media specialists and prepares school library media specialists who work to "ensure that students and staff are effective users of ideas and information; students are empowered to be critical thinkers, enthusiastic readers, skillful researchers, and ethical users of information" (AASL. Empowering Learners, 2009). Such individuals are prepared to:

  • provide intellectual and physical access to materials in all formats;
  • provide instruction that stimulates interest in reading, viewing, and using information and idea and addresses multiple literacies, including information literacy, media literacy, visual literacy, and technology literacy;
  • collaborate with other educators to design learning strategies to meet the need of individual students and encourage them to be independent lifelong users and producers of ideas and information.

In 2001-2002, K-12 advisors and faculty from the five institutions in the University of Wisconsin System School Library Education Consortium or UWSSLEC ( UW-Whitewater, UW-Eau Claire, UW-Oshkosh, UW-Superior, and UW-Madison) reviewed and evaluated standards and competencies from the state, other states, AASL / ALA (approved by NCATE),  ISTE. and the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards. The group designed courses based on competencies (902 with stipulations902 ) and grouped them into courses through consensus. All courses used by UWSSLEC and the UW-Whitewater. In 2010 the competencies and courses for 1901 license were reviewed and revised followed by a revision of the 1902 licensure competencies and courses over the next few years.  In late 2017, the competencies were reviewed again for alignment with the new state content guidelines and the new AASL National Standards.  The current 1902 competencies and coursework reflect these most recent guidelines.Demonstrating ProficiencyTo demonstrate proficiency in the standards at each benchmark, each student will be required to create and maintain a professional portfolio demonstrating progress on the competencies that will be reviewed at the end of all coursework and the practicum / student teaching. Students will be provided with a framework for organizing the portfolio. They will also be provided with a grid for connecting DPI guidelines with program. Before beginning the practicum or student teaching, students must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 on all library coursework. Tie to Other StandardsThe following state and national standards were aligned to the program's competencies.AASL StandardsTo describe the competencies needed by a school library media specialist, the National School Library Standards for Learners, School Librarians, and School Libraries  were introduced by AASL in fall 2017.   The standards for libraries and librarians informed the revision of the program competencies. Wisconsin DPI Library Media Specialist Program GuidelinesThe State of Wisconsin has also published new Library Media Specialist Program Content Guidelines  in late 2016.  These are aligned to the 10 Wisconsin teacher standards. 

  • Standard 1: Learner Development : The teacher understands how learners grow and develop, recognizing that patterns of learning and development vary individually within and across the cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical areas, and designs and implements developmentally appropriate and challenging learning experiences.
  • Standard 2: Learner Differences; The teacher uses understanding of individual differences and diverse cultures and communities to ensure inclusive learning environments that enable each learner to meet high standards.
  • Standard 3: Learning Environments; The teacher works with others to create environments that support individual and collaborative learning, and that encourage positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self motivation.

  • Standard 4: Content Knowledge:  The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline(s) he or she teaches and creates learning experiences that make these aspects of the discipline accessible and meaningful for learners to assure mastery of the content.
  • Standard 5: Application of Content: The teacher understands how to connect concepts and use differing perspectives to engage learners in critical thinking, creativity, and collaborative problem solving related to authentic local and global issues.

  • Standard 6: Assessment: The teacher understands and uses multiple methods of assessment to engage learners in their own growth, to monitor learner progress, and to guide the teacher's and learner's decision making.
  • Standard 7: Planning for Instruction: The teacher plans instruction that supports every student in meeting rigorous learning goals by drawing upon knowledge of content areas, curriculum, cross-disciplinary skills, and pedagogy, as well as knowledge of learners and the community context.
  • Standard 8: Instructional Strategies: The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies to encourage learners to develop deep understanding of content areas and their connections, and to build skills to apply knowledge in meaningful ways.


  • Standard 9: Professional Learning and Ethical Practice: The teacher engages in ongoing professional learning and uses evidence to continually evaluate his/her practice, particularly the effects of his/her choices and actions on others (learners, families, other professionals, and the community), and adapts practice to meet the needs of each learner.
  • Standard 10: Leadership and Collaboration:  The teacher seeks appropriate leadership roles and opportunities to take responsibility for student learning, to collaborate with learners, families, colleagues, and other school professionals, and community members to ensure learner growth, and to advance the profession. 

The 1901 license (formerly the 902 with stipulations  / 901 Initial Library Media Specialist license) was the first step in becoming a school library media specialist in Wisconsin for those with an existing teaching license. Within five (5) years of receiving the 1901 License, it must be replaced by the 1902 Instructional Library Media Specialist License  by taking three additional graduate courses. 

As of fall 2018, this license will be folded into the 1902 license, so that anyone currently working on the 1901 license will complete all 1901 and 1902 coursework and the practicum and then apply for the 1902 license without first applying for the 1901 license.  

Students who have a bachelor's degree but no existing teaching license may also choose to work on the 1902 license as their initial teaching license, not as part of a degree program, as of fall 2018.   A teaching license in another area is no longer required.  This option may also be appropriate for those who have a master's degree in library science.

As this is now an initial teaching license, the student must meet all the UWW requirements for teacher-education candidates including the portfolios, admission to professional education, field experience, student teaching and edTPA. For those working on a minor in school libraries, the general education and education coursework will be done as part of their teaching major.  They will do two practicum courses to add the 1902 license.  

General Education Requirements

These requirements are met through the general education requirements of the applicant's initial bachelor's degree.

Education Courses

For those without a teaching license in another area, the following courses will be required.  Those with a teaching license or working on a teaching license in another area could meet these requirements in the requirements for their other teaching program.UW Whitewater COEPS admission requirements must be met by those seeking initial licensure.   Students working on initial licensure must pass the Foundations Block portfolio and meet the requirements for admission to professional education and then pass the Methods portfolio demonstrating the teaching standards.  The COEPS Advisors will determine if they meet other PI34 requirements.  Any courses not taken through UW Whitewater must be approved as equivalent by the College Advisor and/or program coordinator.  If you plan to take any courses elsewhere, make sure to have them approved before taking them.  If one or more of these courses are taken at another institution, the student will take EDFOUND 214 to develop the foundations portfolio.  A minimum of 14 credits must be taken at UWW before student teaching.  

Catalog Number Course Title Units Notes
EFOUND 481/ 681 OR 
Ed. Psychology OR 
Child Development OR 
Human Abilities & Learning OR 
Human Development
3 Take the 3 foundations of education courses together (in the same semester Summer, Spring, or Fall).  Select one from the first box. This block includes the Foundations Block  portfolio.
EDFOUND 243 OR 710 Education in a Pluralistic Society 3
EDFNDPRC 210 Introduction to Education & Teaching 3
SPECED 205 Introduction to Special Education 3  
LIBMEDIA 439 Library Methods (requires admission to professional education, concurrent with CIFLD 401, 402 or 404)  OR PERMISSION OF INSRUCTOR -- NOTE:  This requirement could be met by a methods course in another teaching area for those with a teaching license. 3  
CIFLD 401, 402 or 404 Directed Teaching - Alternative Placement Elementary School, Middle School, Secondary School (requires admission to professional education) 2 This includes the Methods portfolio.

1902 Library License Content Courses and Capstone Portfolio  


  • Students who wish to earn a graduate degree with this initial license may take these library courses plus EDFOUND 780 at the graduate level.  They must apply to be a graduate candidate for degree before taking the library courses. 
  • If you have any library coursework, including those done as part of a MLS, you will need to submit syllabi to match the courses to the program competencies.  Courses over 8 years old may not be current enough.  Not all MLS programs will meet the Wisconsin DPI guidelines for school library media specialist preparation.
  • Children's Literature, Young Adult Literature and/or Digital Tools can be waived based on evidence or prior learning portfolios.   
Required Courses
LIBMEDIA 350:  Finding and Using InformationGraduate version:  LIBMEDIA 756:  Virtual Libraries
LIBMEDIA 434:  Digital Tools for LearningGraduate version:  LIBMEDIA 634:  Digital Tools
LIBMEDIA 440:  Information LiteracyGraduate version:  LIBMEDIA 752:  Design of Curriculum for Inquiry 
Pre-requisite:  Either LIBMEDIA 439: Library Methods or a methods course in another subject area
LIBMEDIA 451:  Organizing InformationGraduate version:  LIBMEDIA 651:  Organizing Information
LIBMEDIA 454:  Library AdministrationGraduate version:  LIBMEDIA 654:  Library Administration
ELEMMID 362:  Children's LiteratureGraduate version:  ELEMMID 562:  Children's literature
ENGLISH 310  OR LIBMEDIA 343:  Young Adult LiteratureGraduate version:  ENGLISH 510 OR LIBMEDIA 543
LIBMEDIA 455:  Librarians as Leaders Graduate version:  LIBMEDIA 751:  Leadership and Administration of School Library and Technology Programs 
Pre-requisite LIBMEDIA 454 or LIBMEDIA 654
GPA in library courses before practicum (must be 3.0 or higher for content courses)
Student teaching:  If 1902 is the student's initial license: select 2 of the 3 based on level of CIFLD 401, 402 or 404 (12 credits total)
  • CIFLD 411: Directed Teaching - Elementary
  • CIFLD 412: Directed Teaching - Middle School
  • CIFLD 414: Directed Teaching - Secondary
Pass the edTPA in school libraries
Capstone portfolio at end of practicum

Download the 1902 initial license requirements to track progress.


Many students who already holding a professional teaching license in another area or who already have a master's degree want to earn a library media license without getting another degree.

To get the 1902 licensure as a library media specialist, these students must complete a program of eight content courses and one to two practicum experiences. This may be done at the undergraduate level up to the practicum courses which are at the graduate level. This can save a substantial amount of money if the individual does not want to work on a master's degree. Once taken at the undergraduate level, a course cannot be converted to a graduate level course. The courses can also be taken at the graduate level as a non-candidate for degree if there is any chance that the student wants to eventually move into a graduate degree program. The following courses are required for licensure. The first number is the undergraduate course number and the second one the graduate number.  Download and print the add-on license program requirements to track your progress on this license.

LIBMEDIA 350:  Finding and Using Information OR LIBMEDIA 756: Virtual Libraries (fall 2017 or later version)
LIBMEDIA 434 / 634:  Digital Tools for Learning
LIBMEDIA 440:  Information Literacy OR LIBMEDIA 752: Design of Curriculum for Inquiry
LIBMEDIA 451 / 651:  Organizing Information
LIBMEDIA 454 / 654:  Library Administration
ELEMMID 362 / 562:  Children's Literature
ENGLISH 310/ 510  OR LIBMEDIA 343/543:  Young Adult Literature
LIBMEDIA 455:  Librarians as Leaders OR LIBMEDIA 751:  Leadership and Administration of Library and Technology Programs Pre-requisite:  Library Administration
GPA in library courses before practicum (must be 3.0 or higher for content courses)
If student is eligible for a Wisconsin teaching license in another area and not working in a school as a professional educator  (6 credits) 
  • Two of these three:
    • LIBMEDIA 793e: Supervised Elementary Practicum
    • LIBMEDIA 793m: Supervised Middle School Practicum
    • LIBMEDIA 793s: Supervised Secondary Practicum - high school 
OR If the student is eligible for a Wisconsin teaching license in another area and  working in a school as a professional educator  (3 credits) 
  • 793c: Supervised Combined Practicum if the student is employed full time as a professional educator  (3 credits)
Capstone portfolio at end of practicum

The former 1901 license will no longer be awarded as of fall 2018. Those currently holding this license have years from the time it was awarded to complete the 1902 requirements.   Students who began the program before fall 2017 fall under the prior licensure requirements.  

School Library Minors

For those working on a minor in school libraries along with a teaching license in another area, the general education and education coursework will be done as part of their teaching major.  They will do two practicum courses to add the 1902 license.