College of Education & Professional Studies


Library Media

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Location: Winther Hall 6036

There are two undergraduate minors in library media:

  • Library Media K-12 (School Library)
  • Library Science (Public Library)

School Library Media Minor

The school library media minor is a valuable addition to any education degree. A student can simultaneously work on both the 1902 license and another teaching license as an undergraduate. The following courses are required for the school library media minor.  There are 24 credits in the minor plus two 3-credit practicum courses to earn the 1902 license.

Course number Course title  Semesters offered
LIBMEDIA 350 Finding and Using Information Fall
LIBMEDIA 434 Digital Tools for Learning Fall
LIBMEDIA 451  Organizing Information Fall
LIBMEDIA 454 Library Administration Spring
LIBMEDIA 440 Information Literacy (Pre-requisite:  methods course in teaching major) Spring
ELEMMID 362 Children's Literature Fall / Spring
LIBMEDIA 343 OR ENGLISH 310 Adolescent Literature & Related Media Fall / Spring
LIBMEDIA 455 Librarians as Leaders (Pre-requisite:  Library Administration)  
Required for licensure but not part of minor: Supervised Practicum (6 credits)
Elementary Practicum AND  
Secondary Practicum 

You can begin taking undergraduate library media courses near the beginning of your undergraduate career at UW-Whitewater, although it is advisable to start after you have started taking education courses such as the Foundations block. This will give you some background in teaching and learning that will benefit you in the library media coursework. Library media courses are at the 300 and 400 level which assume junior and senior level work. Meet with your undergraduate advisor to set up a program of study that will fit your eight library media courses and two practicum experiences into your program.

Download and print the K-12 school library minor program requirements to track your progress.

Library Science Minor

The library science minor can be taken by students in a wide range of majors who are interested in becoming public librarians in small libraries, who want a background in resources and research, or who plan to earn a master's degree in library science. Library science minors may take the library media courses at any time during their college careers.

To become certified as a public librarian, class 2 or 3, you must do a 150-hour public library practicum. Prerequisites for the practicum are LIBMEDIA 350, 451, and 454, but it is recommended that all library courses be finished before the practicum.  School library minors may choose to also add this certification with the additional practicum experience.  This qualifies you to be a library director in a town under 6000 residents.  If you plan to be a director in a larger public library, you will need to go on to earn a graduate degree in library science.

Course number Course title (24 credits plus one practicum) Semesters offered
LIBMEDIA 350 Finding and Using Information Fall
LIBMEDIA 434 Digital Tools for Learning Fall
LIBMEDIA 451  Organizing Information Fall
LIBMEDIA 454 Library Administration Spring
LIBMEDIA 440 Information Literacy Spring
ELEMMID 362 Children's Literature  Fall / Spring
LIBMEDIA 343 OR ENGLISH 310 Adolescent Literature & Related Media Fall / Spring
EDFNDPRC 411 Public Library Administration Practicum Fall/Spring 

Download and print the library science minor program requirements to track your progress.

Master of Science in Education  - Professional Studies  (emphasis in Information, Technology and Libraries)

You can also work on licensure not in the context of a degree in two ways:

  • Adding a 1902 license to an existing teaching license
  • Earning an initial 1902 license (for those with a bachelor's degree but no teaching license)

You may choose to earn the 1902 license as part of a Master of Science in Education - Professional Studies with an emphasis in Information, Technology, and Libraries (MSE-PS). For guidance on which degree option may be the best for you, see the link to "Which is for you?"

Those who began the MSE-PS (formerly called the MSE-PD) before fall 2018 should contact an advisor about required courses.  Their requirements align with those of the degree before fall 2018.

At any point in taking courses, you can switch from undergraduate to graduate level and begin work on a degree, but you will need 30 graduate credits, 15 of which are 700-level courses to earn the degree. If you start to take graduate courses as a non-candidate-for-degree student and decide you want to get the degree, apply to the Graduate Office immediately as you can only transfer in nine graduate credits before acceptance into the master's program. Once you start the degree, you have seven years to complete it.  Download and print the MSE-PS program requirements to track your progress.  

This degree is focused on school librarianship and is NOT accredited by the American Library Association. If you want to work in an academic or large public library, you need to get your master's degree from an ALA-accredited institution such as UW-Madison or UW-Milwaukee.  

Required Courses  (starting fall 2018)
EDFOUND 780:  Reading, Analyzing and Evaluating Educational Research
LIBMEDIA 756: Virtual Libraries
LIBMEDIA 634:  Digital Tools for Learning
LIBMEDIA 752: Design of Curriculum for Inquiry
LIBMEDIA 651:  Organizing Information
LIBMEDIA 654:  Library Administration
ELEMMID 562:  Children's Literature The two literature courses can be taken at the undergraduate level if only working on licensure or at the graduate level if part of the degree. Some people may have had one or more of these courses in their undergraduate program and should talk with an advisor about possible exemption from taking them again for licensure. It is also possible to waive them through an evidence-of-prior-learning portfolio Talk with an advisor about the best option for you.  All courses in this list are required for licensure, but only 30 credits, 15 of them at the 700 level are required for the graduate degree.
ENGLISH 510  OR LIBMEDIA 543:  Young Adult Literature
LIBMEDIA 751:  Leadership and Administration of Library and Technology Programs Pre-requisite:  Library Administration
GPA in library courses before practicum (must be 3.0 or higher for content courses)
If student is eligible for a Wisconsin teaching license in another area and not working in a school as a professional educator  (6 credits)
  • Two of these three: 
    • LIBMEDIA 793e: Supervised Elementary Practicum
    • LIBMEDIA 793m: Supervised Middle School Practicum
    • LIBMEDIA 793s: Supervised Secondary Practicum - high school 
  • LIBMEDIA 793c: Supervised Combined Practicum if the student is employed full time as a professional educator  (3 credits)
Capstone portfolio at end of practicum and all coursework

Not everyone wants a degree while they are working on the 1902 license:

  • Students who have a bachelor's degree but no existing teaching license may choose to work on the 1902 license as their initial teaching license, not as part of a degree program, as a post-baccalaureate student
  • Students who already holding a professional teaching license in another area or who already have a master's degree want to earn a library media license without getting another degree.

For those already holding a bachelor's degree or higher, there are two options:

  • Special student with full credentials (undergraduate level coursework)
  • Non-candidate for degree (graduate level coursework)

Special Student Full Credentials (Undergraduate level coursework)

Students who already hold a bachelor's degree may take licensure courses not as part of a degree at the undergraduate level. One way is to register as a special student with full credentials at the undergraduate level.  These students may enroll for classes at the undergraduate level except for the practicum, saving money.

Non-candidate for Degree (Graduate level coursework)

This status is available if you possess a bachelor's or higher degree from an accredited institution but do not want to pursue a graduate degree from UW-Whitewater at the time. You may want to do this if you think you want to switch to a graduate degree program after 1-3 courses.  You are considered a non-candidate-for-degree student if you meet one of the following conditions:

  • A student with a bachelor's degree but not in a master's degree program.
  • A teacher wanting to complete graduate course work to maintain educational certification requirements.
  • A student enrolled in a graduate degree program at another institution that wants to transfer the UW-Whitewater course work to that program
  • A student who has already received a master's degree from UW-Whitewater and wishes to take additional selected course work.

Courses can be taken at the graduate or undergraduate level, but not in the same semester. Any semester where a student takes a graduate course, all courses taken during the same time will be charged at the graduate rate, even if it is not a graduate course.Students are allowed to transfer 9-12 credits earned as a non-candidate-for-degree into their degree program. If you plan to eventually enroll in a graduate degree program, you may take up to four courses at this status and have them count toward the degree. Use the online application form. There is no $56 fee or transcripts required.