PreCollege Programs

Global Awareness Projects for Sustainability (GAPS) Camp

Camp Description

The Office of PreCollege Programs offers this one-week camp for students in the 6th-12th grades with tiers of age-appropriate break-out sessions. The camp's overall goal is to improve students' academic skills through a hands-on project learning environment. Students explore topics of environmental sustainability, equity, and global awareness with a focus on the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development goals, and problem-solving skills. By integrating key academic concepts in humanities and science, students are provided:

  1. Innovative cross-curricular classroom instruction in humanities and science subject areas;
  2. Direct skill-based support in subject related skills designed to reinforce foundational skills;
  3. Access to career options through hands-on activities;
  4. Interactions with college faculty and students;
  5. Targeted development of critical thinking, problem solving, analytical and executive functioning skills while learning about global issues around inequity and sustainable development
  6. Support to build skills in personal stability around stress management and identifying personal mission

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Students improve and build on their skills in classroom instruction through hands-on activities. Students also experience a “Going to College” Workshop where they learn grade level appropriate direction in preparing for college (high school courses, financial literacy, career exploration, etc.).

Students that are interested in applying are encouraged to register here