Types of classes offered
- General Education
Students are required to complete the General Education and U.S. Racial/Ethnic Diversity Requirements as part of the requirements for graduation. If Developmental Studies courses are required, they must be completed before enrolling in the subsequent General Education course.
- GL, GN, GQ (lab, non-lab, quantitative reasoning)
Students can enroll in these natural science and mathematics courses.
- GA, GE, GG, GH, GI, GP, GS, GW (electives)
General education electives in the creative arts, engaging differences, global and international perspectives, humanities, interdisciplinary, physical education, social and behavioral sciences, and wellness are offered.
U.S. Racial/Ethnic Diversity Courses
These classes meet the diversity requirement for a bachelor's degree. - International Courses
These courses fulfill the international requirement for students in the College of Business.
- Art Courses
This includes Art Studio and Art History classes.
- Music Courses
Various musical groups are open to all students, including choirs and instrumental groups.