School of Graduate Studies

School Psychologist

Help children succeed academically, socially, emotionally, and behaviorally in schools.

  • Conduct comprehensive assessments of students' learning
  • Consult with teachers, families, and other school-based mental health professionals to improve student outcomes
  • Analyze data and collaborate with teachers and administrators to improve school-wide practices and policies
  • Provide culturally-responsive services and mental health supports
  • Education Specialist (Ed.S.) or doctoral degree including a full-year internship required in Wisconsin
  • Nationally recommended ratio: one school psychologist per 500 students

Reference: National Association of School Psychologists. (2022, June 4). Who are school psychologists.

Students learning in a classroom.

Explore on your own.

Three students smiling in class.

Attend an information session.

Student smiling in his home.

Ready to talk?

Graduate student studies at home.

About us.

Examples of Interventions

  • Design an individualized behavioral support plan and monitor a student's progress
  • Assess school climate and improve student connectedness
  • Analyze grade-level data to identify and close gaps in student learning

A graph of the multi-tiered systems of support.

Comprehensive school mental health teams work to address the social/emotional, academic and mental wellbeing of students via culturally-responsive services throughout a continuum of tiers.