School Psychologist
Help children succeed academically, socially, emotionally, and behaviorally in schools.
- Conduct comprehensive assessments of students' learning
- Consult with teachers, families, and other school-based mental health professionals to improve student outcomes
- Analyze data and collaborate with teachers and administrators to improve school-wide practices and policies
- Provide culturally-responsive services and mental health supports
- Education Specialist (Ed.S.) or doctoral degree including a full-year internship required in Wisconsin
- Nationally recommended ratio: one school psychologist per 500 students
Reference: National Association of School Psychologists. (2022, June 4). Who are school psychologists.
Examples of Interventions
- Design an individualized behavioral support plan and monitor a student's progress
- Assess school climate and improve student connectedness
- Analyze grade-level data to identify and close gaps in student learning
Comprehensive school mental health teams work to address the social/emotional, academic and mental wellbeing of students via culturally-responsive services throughout a continuum of tiers.