Live & Learn
This learning community is designed for freshmen exploring teaching as a possible major.
Want to develop your leadership skills as a future educator? Interested in exploring, as a freshman, the role of a teacher? Live and Learn is specifically designed for pre-education majors. It helps keep students on track for admission to the professional education program as sophomores or juniors. Members of Live and Learn will be granted priority registration in hard-to-get courses. There will also be opportunities for volunteering, early teaching experiences, and leadership training. You will live in the same residence hall and attend some classes together. Students in our learning communities say they feel at home more quickly, make friends right away and connect with faculty. Joining a learning community is a great way to start your college years off on the right foot.
Who can I live with if I join this Learning Community?
- You can live with anyone with a housing assignment in Knilans Hall, including students who are in other LCs in Knilans Hall.
Available For:
- All education majors
Linked Classes:
- Fall semester: Introduction to Special Education (SPECED 205), New Student Seminar (INTRAUNV 104), Historical Perspectives (CORE 120)
- Knilans Hall
Learning Community Coordinator:
Rowand Robinson