Get Psyched
Are you curious about how the brain works?
Thinking about majoring in Psychology? Want to learn more about why people do what they do? If you are interested in the field of psychology, you can learn, study, live, and have fun with other first year students as you explore answers to these and other questions. Through this Learning Community, you will have opportunities to connect with other students in psychology and build relationships with faculty members across campus. Learn more about what you can do with a degree in psychology and how best to prepare yourself for future career goals.
Who can I live with if I join this Learning Community?
- You can live with anyone who has a housing assignment in Tutt Halls (including students in other learning communities housed in Tutt).
Available For:
- Psychology majors
Linked Classes:
- Fall semester: New Student Seminar (INTRAUNV 104), CORE 130, and POLISCI 141
- Tutt Hall
Learning Community Coordinator
Kim Knesting-Lund