University Committees

Faculty Budget Committee


Note: Please see Wisconsin State Statute 36.09(3)(a) for more information about this committee's role in shared governance.


The Faculty Budget Committee reports to the Faculty Senate.

 *  To participate in the development of UW-Whitewater budget policies, needs, and priorities in conjunction with academic planning agencies by serving on standing university committees such as the Strategic Planning and Budget Committee.

* To recommend budgetary guidelines in the categories of staffing priorities, and the allocation of monies for salaries and capital expenditures.

* To recommend policies for the implementation, by the colleges, of University budget policies.

*All reports and recommendations of this committee shall be made to the Faculty Senate and simultaneously circulated to the faculty.


6 voting members
One faculty member elected from and by each constituency:

  • College of Arts and Communication/Library

  • College of Business and Economics

  • College of Education and Professional Studies

  •  College of Integrated Studies

  •  College of Letters and Sciences

  • One faculty member at-large, to serve as Chairperson of the Committee, elected by all University faculty

1 ex-officio non-voting member:

  • Vice Chancellor for Administrative Affairs or designee


Two-year staggered terms as follows:

  • Arts & Communication/Library representative, Integrated Studies representative, and the Letters and Sciences representative elected in odd-numbered years.

  • At-large representative, the Business and Economics representative, and the Education and Professional Studies representative elected in even-numbered years.

Current Committee Membership


Adopted at All-Faculty Meeting 2024-03-19; page revised 2024-03-19