Gifted and Talented


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UW-Whitewater contacts are:

 To apply for the supplementary gifted teacher licensure program, click here.

If the courses are not UW-Whitewater / UW-Stevens Point courses, they could still count toward the license or MSE-PD. You will need to submit a transcript and syllabus to the instructor of the course for which you believe your previous course might partially or completely substitute. The faculty members will then decide how best to apply your previous credits. Courses that are very similar but were taken at a different university may exempt you from a full course in Wisconsin.

Unfortunately, according to DPI, experience and prior coursework alone will not allow you to receive the license without completing an approved program. An approved program includes the articulated knowledge, skills, and dispositions, the required up-to-date coursework or its equivalent, the assessments, a clinical experience, and a portfolio of evidence which allows the candidate to demonstrate competencies in the Wisconsin Teaching Standards and the National Association for Gifted Children teaching standards. Some previous coursework may be transferred or otherwise counted toward the program at the discretion of the coordinators. Credit for prior work will be evaluated by program faculty.

The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction reviews credentials / licenses from other states. If you hold a gifted education license from another state, contact DPI directly to see if you can receive a Wisconsin gifted teacher (1013) and/or gifted coordinator (5013) license.

If you have no prior GT coursework, there are five, three-credit courses in total required to earn BOTH licenses (either license separately requires four courses or their equivalent).

To apply for either licensure program (or both), follow the application process at UWSP (click here). In your application statement, just note whether you will be applying for the GT Teacher licensure (1013), the GT Coordinator licensure (5013), or both.

Most licensure courses are offered in a hybrid format (i.e. mostly online). Some courses are offered entirely online. The hybrid courses tend to meet two or three times in person over the course of the semester, with most of the course taking place through Canvas (the UW system's online learning platform).

It is possible to complete all four courses for the GT teacher license from one summer through the following summer. This would involve one class each semester. However, individuals may take longer if they so choose.

As of Fall 2017 the cost for a three-credit graduate class at UWW for a Wisconsin resident is approximately $1488 (undergraduate is $958). There are 12 credits in the gifted teacher (1013) licensure program and an additional three credits for the gifted coordinator (5013) licensure program.

Yes. We offer discounted courses to groups or cohorts of individuals from a single district or region. We also occasionally offer the first credit of EDFOUND 781 at 50% discount as a part of the WATG annual conference. Contact one of the program coordinators for more information.

Courses and workshops are sometimes offered at the undergraduate level for those students not needing the graduate credit. However, this is not done in any predictable rotation and not all courses can be offered at the undergraduate level. Please contact us for more information.