College of Education & Professional Studies
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Lynn Gilbertson

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  • Ph.D University of Wisconsin Madison
  • B.A. University of Wisconsin Madison

Professional Interests

  • Occupational noise exposure
  • Hearing conservation
  • Speech perception in noise
  • Aging auditory system
  • Executive functions and perception
  • Diversity of ability
  • Scholarship of teaching and learning


  • COMDIS 240: Hearing and Speech Science
  • COMDIS 270: Introduction to Human Communication and Disorders
  • COMDIS 278: Anatomy and Physiology of Human Communication
  • COMDIS 426: Neural Bases of Speech and Language
  • COMDIS 482/682: Audiometry
  • COMDIS 484: Aural Rehabilitation
  • COMDIS 485B: Capstone Seminar
  • COMDIS 498R: Independent Studies- Undergraduate Research
  • COMDIS 491: Travel Study
  • COMDIS 683: Augmentative and Alternative Communication
  • COMDIS 684: Aural Rehabilitation
  • COMDIS 780: Capstone Seminar