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PIE Students with Disabilities Seeking Accommodations

PIE IEP/CSD Accommodation Protocol


In accordance with Federal, State, and UW-System laws, regulations, and policies, no otherwise qualified student with a disability shall be denied equal access to UW-W programs. This includes high school students in the PIE (Partners in Education) concurrent education programs. All accommodations for students with disabilities enrolled in a University of Wisconsin-Whitewater course(s) must have approved accommodations through the Center for Students with Disabilities (CSD). Existing Individualized Education Plans (IEP) or 504 Plans are not approved at the university level.


Students are encouraged to apply for services as soon as possible, preferably upon enrollment to the course. Students should complete an application and submit any documentation to the Center for Students with Disabilities (CSD). While an IEP or 504 Plan is helpful, it may not be sufficient nor may all currently approved high school accommodations or modifications be approved. CSD will set up a phone or Skype conference for intake. For students who qualified for services a Verified Individual Services and Accommodation (VISA) plan will be individually created and will be provided to the student, the concurrent course coordinator, CSD, and the high school. Accommodations will be implemented at the local high school.

Let us know how we can help! Contact PIE Coordinator at

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